Point: People are dying for their freedom.
This one is really grim so only look if you have not eaten in a while. http://yfrog.com/h4oacietj
In the U.S. we talk like we value such dedication. But do Americans have the courage that this kind of fight for freedom requires? Or have the pastries and bad television made us too soft to confront our corruptions du jour?
"February 22
12:49am: Reports emerge that BP is preparing to evacuate its employees from Libya. The corporation has major contracts with Libya, the EU's third-largest supplier of oil" http://blogs.aljazeera.net/middle-east/2011/02/17/live-blog-libya
In a Foreign Policy magazine article by Marc Lynch: "The appropriate comparison is Bosnia or Kosovo, or even Rwanda where a massacre is unfolding on live television and the world is challenged to act. It is time for the United States, NATO, the United Nations and the Arab League to act forcefully to try to prevent the already bloody situation from degenerating into something much worse."
the URL is long but the resources are good: http://storify.com/ajestream/libya-live-blog-feb-21-2011?awesm=sfy.co_zf&utm_campaign=Referer%253A%2520http%253A%252F%252Fstorify%252Ecom%252Fajestream%252Flibya-live-blog-feb-21-2011%253Fawesm%253Dsfy%252Eco_z6%2526utm_campaign%253Dajestr&utm_content=storify-share&utm_medium=sfy.co-twitter&utm_source=twitter.com
"The online group feb17voices has begun interviewing and collecting audio testimonies of people throughout Libya. What they've created is a very personal and immediate perspective of the protests and how people are dealing with the chaos and violence. Here is a sampling of feb17voices from the group's channel on the audioBoo website." http://audioboo.fm/feb17voices
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