Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Leaving Belize

Belize is behind us now, as we crossed the border back into Mexico earlier today. Before we left I had to say good bye to our Belizean driver, Alvin, who had been awesome about getting us around safely and on time. Here he is goofing off at a stop on the way to Carocal.
Along with his excellent driving, Alvin also had a great attitude. Nothing was a problem for him.

With this in mind, it's worth mentioning a story: on the first afternoon we arrived in Orange Walk Town, I headed into the market to pick up water and check out the place. I had not yet figured out that Orange Walk was a fairly dangerous little city, full of drug dealers and people down on their luck for having been born in Belize. As I was walking around that afternoon, I ran into Alvin in the central plaza. He walked and talked with me all the way back to our hotel. I thought it somewhat odd at the time because he also said he needed to meet up with his sister who lived there. But he gave me some good insights about the region and the economy so I appreciated his company.

It was only later that I learned Alvin was carrying a pistol in Orange Walk. Apparently even he thought it was a dangerous town. He also locked up the wheels of the bus with a huge chain, which is something I had not seen him do in any of the other Belizean cities we had been in.

When I learned this, I realized why he had walked me back to hotel. He was protecting me! So thanks, Alvin. This one is for you.

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