Sunday, July 17, 2011

Portals of Mexico

North Palace at Sayil

Mask of Itzamna at Hochob

Structure 2 at Calakmul

Palace at Palenque
Palace at Yaxchilan
Mask of Itzamna at Chicanna

Palace at Edzna
Fort San Miguel Archaeological Museum, Campeche
Fort San Miguel Archaeological Museum, Campeche
Cathedral in Campeche
Campeche Street
Temple of the Magician at Uxmal
Into Nunnery Quadrangle at Uxmal
Cloister of the Cathedral at Mani
Palace at Labna

Cathedral in Valladolid

Ek Balam
La Iglesia at Chichen Itza
At the top of El Castillo at Chichen Itza
Wattle and daub at Chichen Itza
Izamal Street
Cathedral at Izamal
Santa Lucia slave church, Merida
Continentale Restaurant where we said good-bye, Merida

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2023 Reading List

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