Thursday, January 11, 2018

Into the Sun, or Better Late Than Never

Air travel amazes me. There's a magic to waking up in one city and then catching a flight ... or two ... only to fall asleep thousands of miles away in another. It really just never gets old.

This miracle of time and space is worth the lines and waits, weather delays and over priced airport sandwiches. The truth is I'm jet lagged and happy to have spent the better part of a day traveling into the sun.

So this morning's walk to the center of Delft offers a delightful welkom, but it certainly lacks sunshine. Rather, fog lays dense around the church spires, accompanied by the thick toming of bells close by. It's a sacred hush amidst the morning bustle. Bikers and walkers jostle for position on the brick streets, and electric cars whisper past in narrow alleys. I feel blanketed in the peacefulness and beauty of the old city.
This morning, Peperstraat at Oude Delft

And so the day unfolds. 

In the markt square between the Stadhuis (city hall) and Nieuwe Kerk (New Church), fresh brown eggs and bright orange cheese wheels vie for buyers' attention. These, along with a loaf of warm bread, sliced on the spot, a bunch of carrots and two huge heads of lettuce find their way into my bag. 

The Dutch have a saying: Beter laat dan nooit. I may have flown into the sun only to come out into the murky cathedral tunes of a January day in Delft, but it's certainly better late than never.

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