Monday, June 13, 2011

Moon Landing Over Villahermosa

The flight out of Houston was remarkably smooth. The little prop job we rode in tonight sounded a lot like a small lawn mower, which was faintly reminiscent of the plane ride I took in Brasil in 2009. The similarities between the two flights, however, end there.

As our flight this evening began to descend toward the city of Villahermosa, the almost full moon glowed in the sky. Lights twinkled on the ground below. When we passed over a marshy area, the moon was reflected in the water below. It was a lovely moon landing over Villahermosa.

And, as soon as I walked onto the tarmac, the smell of Mexico came rushing back to me like an old friend. I love this smell! It's of rain and heat and spice. If it's possible, and even though I have never been to this part of Mexico before, it feels like coming home.

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